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Referenser i OM nr 1, 2024

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Referenser till artikeln Utveckling och framtid inom muskuloskeletal MR-diagnostik, på s 12-13 i OM 1 2024.

[1] P.J. Basser, C. Pierpaoli, Microstructural and physiological features of tissues elucidated by quantitative-diffusion-tensor MRI, J Magn Reson B 111(3) (1996) 209-19.

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[3] F. Del Grande, R. Guggenberger, J. Fritz, Rapid Musculoskeletal MRI in 2021: Value and Optimized Use of Widely Accessible Techniques, AJR Am J Roentgenol 216(3) (2021) 704-717.

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[9] C.C. Van Donkelaar, L.J. Kretzers, P.H. Bovendeerd, L.M. Lataster, K. Nicolay, J.D. Janssen, M.R. Drost, Diffusion tensor imaging in biomechanical studies of skeletal muscle function, J Anat 194 ( Pt 1)(Pt 1) (1999) 79-88.

[10] T. Nozaki, A. Tasaki, S. Horiuchi, C. Osakabe, S. Ohde, Y. Saida, H. Yoshioka, Quantification of Fatty Degeneration Within the Supraspinatus Muscle by Using a 2-Point Dixon Method on 3-T MRI, AJR Am J Roentgenol 205(1) (2015) 116-22.

[11] M. Froeling, J. Oudeman, G.J. Strijkers, M. Maas, M.R. Drost, K. Nicolay, A.J. Nederveen, Muscle changes detected with diffusion-tensor imaging after long-distance running, Radiology 274(2) (2015) 548-62.

[12] M. Kronlage, V. Schwehr, D. Schwarz, T. Godel, L. Uhlmann, S. Heiland, M. Bendszus, P. Baumer, Peripheral nerve diffusion tensor imaging (DTI): normal values and demographic determinants in a cohort of 60 healthy individuals, Eur Radiol 28(5) (2018) 1801-1808.

[13] K.I. Desai, The Surgical Management of Symptomatic Benign Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors of the Neck and Extremities: An Experience of 442 Cases, Neurosurgery 81(4) (2017) 568-580.

[14] E. Istefan, J. Belstock, L.B. Dahlin, E. Nyman, Surgery of Schwannoma in the upper limb - sensitivity and specificity of preoperative magnetic resonance imaging and relation between tumour size and symptoms, BMC Musculoskelet Disord 24(1) (2023) 713.

[15] A. Foure, New Imaging Methods for Non-invasive Assessment of Mechanical, Structural, and Biochemical Properties of Human Achilles Tendon: A Mini Review, Front Physiol 7 (2016) 324.

[16] M.D. Robson, M. Benjamin, P. Gishen, G.M. Bydder, Magnetic resonance imaging of the Achilles tendon using ultrashort TE (UTE) pulse sequences, Clin Radiol 59(8) (2004) 727-35.

[17] M.E. Buchanan, B.K. Markhardt, Systematic review of techniques in cartilage imaging, Journal of Cartilage & Joint Preservation  (2023).

[18] M.A.I. Alsayyad, K.A. Ali Shehata, R.T. Khattab, Role of adding T2 mapping sequence to the routine MR imaging protocol in the assessment of articular knee cartilage in osteoarthritis, Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine 52(1) (2021).

[19] A.A.A. Qardash, A.A. Hassan, H.A. El kady, H.E.-D.G. Mohammed, M. Abdel-Tawab, N.A.A. Mohammed, Varus stress MRI in diagnosis of medial meniscal posterior root tear, Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine 53(1) (2022).

[20] X. Li, Q. Hou, X. Zhan, L. Chang, X. Ma, H. Yuan, The accuracy of MRI in diagnosing and classifying acute traumatic multiple ligament knee injuries, BMC Musculoskelet Disord 23(1) (2022) 43.

[21] P.A. Gondim Teixeira, M. Ledrich, F. Kauffmann, J.M. Wamba, J. Felblinger, A. Blum, G. Hossu, Qualitative 3-T Proton MR Spectroscopy for the Characterization of Musculoskeletal Neoplasms: Update on Diagnostic Performance and Indications, AJR Am J Roentgenol 208(6) (2017) 1312-1319.

[22] F.M. Costa, P.H. Martins, C. Canella, F. Lopes, Multiparametric MR Imaging of Soft Tissue Tumors and Pseudotumors, Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 26(4) (2018) 543-558.

Referenser till artikeln Radiologivägledda interventioner av muskuloskeletala förändringar, på s 17-19 i OM 1 2024.

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6. J. Trieu a, S.M. Schlicht b, P.F.M. Choong. Diagnosing musculoskeletal tumours: How accurate is CT-guided core needle biopsy? EJSO 42 (2016) 1049e1056.

7. Issakov J, Flusser G, Kollender Y, et al. Computed tomography-guided core needle biopsy for bone and soft tissue tumors. Isr Med Assoc J 2003; 5:28–30.

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11. J. Garnon, G. Koch, J. Caudrelier, G. Tsoumakidou, R.L. Cazzato, A. Gangi. Expanding the borders: Image-guided procedures for the treatment of musculoskeletal tumors Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging (2017) 98, 635—644

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15. Kurup AN, Callstrom MR. Expanding role of per-cutaneous ablative and consolidative treatmentsfor musculoskeletal tumours. Clin Radiol 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.crad.2017.02.019.

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17. Tsoumakidou G, Thénint MA, Garnon J, Buy X, Steib JP, Gangi A. Percutaneous image-guided laser photocoagulation of spinal osteoid osteoma: a single-institution series. Radiology 2016. 278(03):936–943

18. Guillaume Koch, MD, MSc, Roberto Luigi Cazzato, MD, PhD, Andrew Gilkison, MD,

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19. Hoeber S, Aly A-R, Ashworth N, et al. Ultrasound-guided hip joint injections are more accurate than landmark-guided injections: a systematic review and metaanalysis. Br J Sports Med 2015; 50:1–5.

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21. Ethan Rand, MD, Rachel Welbel, MD, Christopher J. Visco, MD. Fundamental Considerations for Ultrasound-Guided Musculoskeletal Interventions. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am 27 (2016) 539–553.

22. R. Blanco Sequeiros, J.A. Carrino, Musculoskeletal interventional MR imaging, Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 13(3) (2005) 519-32.

23. R.B. Sequeiros, J. Fritz, R. Ojala, J.A. Carrino, Percutaneous magnetic resonance imaging-guided bone tumor management and magnetic resonance imaging-guided bone therapy, Top Magn Reson Imaging 22(4) (2011) 171-7.

24. J.A. Carrino, R. Blanco, Magnetic resonance--guided musculoskeletal interventional radiology, Semin Musculoskelet Radiol 10(2) (2006) 159-74.

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