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ESPRM 2020 – fem dagar kvar!

ESPRM 2020 – fem dagar kvar!


The covid-19 pandemic has changed the world, more precisely our face-to-face congressional model.

In accordance with these disturbing circumstances, the 22nd European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ESPRM2020) and the 20th SAPRM Congress, to be held from 19th to 23rd September 2020, are turning into a virtual congress (Live Sessions and Recorded Sessions).

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June 2024 Date Friday 21 June 2024, Time 15:00 CEST Chairpersons: Brigitte Perrouin-Verbe, Aydan Oral, Nikolaos Barotsis Session Programme Sexual rehabilitation for people with disabling health conditions and the role of the PRM physician –…

EBPRM Webinar

Date Friday 17 May 2024, Time 15:00 CEST Chairpersons: Angela McNamara, Klemen Grabljevec, Nikolaos Barotsis Welcome & Introduction - Nikolaos Barotsis Making a code of practice for learning - Moderators: Wim Janssen, Paul Carroll Doctor…
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