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Edinburgh International Course in Medicine of the Older Adult

Edinburgh International Course in Medicine of the Older Adult

The Edinburgh International Course in Medicine of the Older Adult takes place from Monday 20 - Friday 24 May 2019. Run annually by the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, it is designed for physicians at senior trainee and consultant level, as well as for general practitioners.

The course provides updates on many aspects of geriatric medicine by experts in their field, as well as a great networking opportunity. This year the programme focuses again on the 'geriatric giants', with day topics on mobility, cognition, continence, common comorbidities and frailty. Delegates can attend the whole week or individual days. There is also an attractive social programme and two free afternoons to explore our beautiful city.

To view the programme and book online, visit: https://events.rcpe.ac.uk/edinburgh-international-course-medicine-older-adult For further details, contact Josie Kirk on j.kirk@rcpe.ac.uk

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Forskarforum och SGF Årsmöte

Välkomna till 10:e Nationella Geriatriska Forskarforum i Svenska läkarsällskapets lokaler centralt i Stockholm den 6 februari 2019!
Forskarforum riktar sig till alla med intresse att utveckla geriatrik, geriatrisk forskning, doktorander och akademiska företrädare inom det geriatriska området. I år kommer vi att presentera ett brett program som spänner från träning av äldre till effekter av läkemedel vid benskörhet och demens.
Mycket varmt välkomna!
Peter Nordström, vet. Sekr., Professor, SGF

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Edinburgh International Course in Medicine of the Older Adult