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Årets europeiska möte EUGMS är uppskjutet!


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, the EuGMS has dedicated all its efforts to support the geriatrics community worldwide.

We will keep the most pragmatic, coherent and ethical approach and transform this global situation into an active opportunity to stay committed and advance our mission:

- The EuGMS Annual Congresses 2020, 2021 and 2022 will be postponed for one year, moving Athens to 2021, London to 2022 and Helsinki to 2023.

In 2020, the EuGMS Congress will go virtual and become the key digital event in the field of geriatric medicine and health services for the ageing population.

The digital congress will figure the main geriatric themes and the latest educational outcomes as initially set but will focus essentially on COVID-19 impact on older people health and open wide new possibilities for multidimensional learning. So just save the date! October 7-9, as initially scheduled.

You will find the most innovative web tools, global audience, target topics and a fully virtual exhibition area.

Your role is essential: today’s future-thinking is tomorrow’s change-maker!

In my role of the EuGMS President, together with our Academic Director Mirko Petrovic, the Executive Board and our PCO Aristea, we will be happy to welcome you!

Thank you for your trust and support.

Prof. Athanase Benetos

EuGMS President

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Forskarforum och SGF Årsmöte

Välkomna till 10:e Nationella Geriatriska Forskarforum i Svenska läkarsällskapets lokaler centralt i Stockholm den 6 februari 2019!
Forskarforum riktar sig till alla med intresse att utveckla geriatrik, geriatrisk forskning, doktorander och akademiska företrädare inom det geriatriska området. I år kommer vi att presentera ett brett program som spänner från träning av äldre till effekter av läkemedel vid benskörhet och demens.
Mycket varmt välkomna!
Peter Nordström, vet. Sekr., Professor, SGF

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Bli medlem i Sveriges läkarförbund
För alla läkare under hela karriären
  1. Trygghet på jobbet
  2. Unika försäkringar
  3. Lönestatistik för läkare