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Welcome to the 3nd NORDIC NEUROTRAUMA CONFERENCE, November 27th - 29th 2023 in Lund, Sweden!

The Scandinavian Neurotrauma Committee (SNC) is proud to present this multidisciplinary meeting place for clinicians and researchers interested in the exciting field of neurotrauma. The Nordic countries have a rich history in developing current neurotrauma care with on-going dedication and progress in many different areas of the field. Neurotrauma injuries are still amongst the most common indications to seek emergency care and account for the highest mortality in younger adults. The brain is still relatively poorly understood and current efforts aim to improve our understanding of the mechanisms and care of brain injuries.

As we all can acknowledge, neurotrauma care is no doubt a multidisciplinary discipline. This upcoming meeting will appeal to both clinical specialists, as well as clinicians undergoing specialist training, in areas such as emergency neurosurgery, medicine, spinal surgery, anaesthesiology, intensive care, neurology, general surgery, orthopaedic surgery, rehabilitation medicine, pain medicine, radiology, neuropsychology, clinical chemistry, coagulation medicine and vascular surgery.

We aim to hold a meeting that reflects the clinical reality. Hence, the NNC meeting will have a clinical patient-oriented emphasis, although experimental/animal research with obvious clinical implications will also be encouraged. Topics, such as Prehospital Care, ER management, Coagulation in Neurotrauma, Spinal Cord Injuries, Neurotrauma in Sports, Imaging in Neurotrauma, Neurobiomarkers, Neurointensive Care and Rehabilitation will ensure that this clinical multidisciplinary aspect we feel is so important is widely covered. We will also incorporate interactive sessions as much as possible in order to involve participants in these important subjects.

Specially invited top international speakers will present new exciting data and discuss important clinical problems. There will be opportunities to present abstracts, both as posters and oral presentations, with a special prize, the Bertil Romner Award (dedicated to the late Professor Bertil Romner, one of the founders of SNC), for the best abstract.

Many esteemed international neurotrauma experts will be joining us and giving state-of-the-art lectures on their areas of expertise. These include David Sharp (UK), Grant Iverson (USA), Mark Wilson (UK), Giuseppe Citero (Italy), Fiona Lecky (UK), Willie Stewart (Scotland), Alfonso Lagares (Spain), Marcel Aries (Netherlands) and Marios Papadopoulos (UK).

We aim to have an exciting and relevant educational program, which gives those who undergo specialist training a chance to learn from the experts in the field. This will take place in the form of workshops, interactive presentations and interactive surveys on current practices. Also, we will strive to initiate a research platform within the NNC, involving multicentre, international, high quality research projects and guidelines.

In addition to the scientific program, we host a special social program with a get-together evening (including the “world-famous” Corpus Callosum orchestra) and a gala dinner, all housed in the beautiful surroundings of the central parts of historical Lund.

The first NNC meeting, in November 2017, was a great success with over 260 participants. Although the majority of delegates were from the Nordic countries, we had delegates from 14 countries, from New Zealand to Ethiopia and the USA. The feedback from the post-conference survey showed overwhelmingly excellent reviews. The second meeting, in 2019, hosted a similar number of visitors and received excellent feedback from attendants. Due to the COVID pandemic, the 2021 meeting was unfortunately cancelled but we are now exited to again host the next meeting!

Johan Undén and Niklas Marklund, Main organisers

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