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Swedish Society of Radiology

Swedish Society of Radiology

Swedish Society of Radiology represents Swedish radiologists and other medical radiology interested persons in Sweden. The association has as its purpose:

  • to support the development of medical imaging by arranging courses and congresses with scientific content and providing foras for giving account to scientific research results
  • to support education in medical imaging
  • to act as an institution for international collaboration on scientifcl and educational matters
  • to support professional and economical interests for those members associated to our society and the Swedish Medical Association

The Swedish Society of Radiology, SSR, is a specialist section of the Swedish Society of Medicine as well as of the Swedish Medical Association. SSR helps to promote the development of radiology in Sweden by arranging meetings with scientific lectures, discussions and presentations of scientific results in medical spheres using radiology. SSR take action in education matters in basic as well as in specialist training. The society furthermore works to improve radiology in diagnosis and treatment in all medical fields. As a national society SSR serves as an organ for collaboration in scientific and educational matters. Finally SSR as a trade union takes care of occupational and economical interests among members.

The most important activity for SSR is the annual congress, Röntgenveckan (The Radiology week), which is held each autumn. SSR with all its sub-specialty societies is the main organizer together with the Swedish Society of Radiographers. The national societies for radiation physics, oral diagnostic radiology, and medical secretaries are also invited to participate. Approximately 1500 delegates visit the congress and the technical exhibition. All professional categories working in radiology meet, listen to symposia, lectures and information of both scientific as well as trade objects during this week.

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