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The Swedish Junior Doctors’ Association

The Swedish Junior Doctors’ Association (SYLF) is a professional association within the Swedish Medical Association.

Medical practitioners’ union

  • The Swedish Medical Association (SMA) is the union and professional organisation for medical practitioners in Sweden, addressing issues such as general employment conditions, patient safety, work environment, salaries, working hours, training and research.
  • The SMA enters into collective agreements on behalf of its members, provides advice, support and legal assistance, and has a key role in the development of healthcare in Sweden.
  • Members of the Swedish Medical Association are registered at a local branch in the area where they are working, and may also join one of the professional associations – national societies for members with the same professional position.


SYLF – the professional association for junior doctors

  • The SMA is open to all doctors. The Swedish Junior Doctors’ Association (SYLF) is the professional association for doctors before they become specialists, organizing those who are completing their internship and specialist training (residency).


Do you want to know more?

  • Please visit The Swedish Medical Association to apply for membership or to get more information about the organization and what it has to offer. There, you can also find information about the labour market and salary formation in Sweden.
  • The National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) is the organization that registers doctors and issues licenses to practice medicine in Sweden.
  • Contact SYLF



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